Quiet exploration

La Bulle Verte

ATV & Bike

On vacation, soft mobility is so much cooler!

Apn 2roues Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 GrandApn 2roues Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 Grand
©Apn 2roues Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 Grand| Vassiviere ®Maxime Authier 2022

Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or an enthusiastic beginner, electric mountain bikes allow you to broaden your nature explorations, taking full advantage of winding trails and forest paths without wearing yourself out. Explore the nuggets of our cultural, gastronomic and natural heritage in an eco-responsible way, at your own pace, on the La Bulle Verte network of itineraries. Discoveries where every point of interest is revealed along the way, with original content. No VTTAE? Visit LocBikeLac at Les Hameaux du Lac in Masgrangeas for a short or long-term rental.

Bd Le Lac De Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 803Bd Le Lac De Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 803
©Bd Le Lac De Vassivieremaxime Authier 2022 803|Le Lac de Vassivière©Maxime Authier

It's easy

  • I choose my itinerary: a rather leisurely one (QR code on the La Bulle Verte website or web-app ), and enjoy a lovely stroll through our little villages. The app comments on each point of interest, and I can even take advantage of the opportunity to stock up on groceries!

No bike?

  • Reserve it online at LOCBIKELAC or call 06 60 49 74 03 and pick it up at Hameaux du Lac in Masgrangeas.

All I have to do is let myself be guided by the GPS track and the comments on the La Bulle Verte web-app) And off I go for a leisurely exploration of La Bulle VerteOr prefer a more technical circuit, as you prefer!

I choose my route and... off we go!

The mountain bike adventure in Vassivière is endless!

For effortless pleasure, choose the La Bulle Verte circuits. The Sentier de rives, which follows the lake as closely as possible, will bring everyone together. It’s a great way to discover the countryside in relaxed family mode, with a beach break, picnic or restaurant. It remains technical if you take the variants to lengthen the circuit or if you want to race the clock. Be careful, it’s still very busy. If you’re a more experienced mountain biker, you can choose from among the other signposted circuits, depending on the distance and gradient you’re looking for. Remember, this is the Limousin mountains, and it’s never flat!