To go there, departing from the village of Faux-la-Montagne, take the direction of Jalagnat and follow the signs which will take you directly there. Allow a 10 min walk and a small climb to access it.
You will then arrive on a specatcular “whale back” rock slab, 200m long where the erosion sculpted ditches and basins sometimes full of water.
Other than its landscape qualities, the site has a great botanical and geological interest.
It is made of intersected hills with humid bottoms called ribières. At the centre, sits the Puy of Clamouzat whose summit is occupied by a large granit dome, one the largest of France.
The Clamouzat rocks are made of a particular granit, called “ Millevaches type”.

Here, you can admire the superb panorama of meadows and pitbogs and further, numerous hills of the Millevaches plateau. In fact, the botanical interest comes mainly from the open spaces which give a vast clearings in the imposing mass of conifer plantations.
The processing and management of the plant cover allows to help the biodiversity, but also to enhance the outstanding landscape and environment.
We can see the St Bernard lily (Anthericum Liliago) or the St John’s wort with toadflax leaves (Hypericum linariifolium, two protected species, in Creuse of the former and in the region for the latter.
The European nightjar (capri-mulgus europaeus) nestles on this site and the viviparous lizard (zootoca vivipara) is common in our pitbogs.
Told by the locals, very attached to their site, the Faux-la-Montagne townhall and the CREN have, since 2004, shown a close interest in its perservation. Of 21ha this listed site was extended to 150ha in 2008, in order to preserve the meadows and pitbogs surrounding the rocks.
It is registered at the ZNIEFF (Floristic and Faunistic Ecological Interest Natural Zone) and is part of the 28 Major Ecological interest sites of Millevaches Regional Natural Park.