Thursdays 01, 08, 15, 22 and 29 July
Fridays 02, 09, 16, 23 and 30 July
Thursdays 05, 12, 19 and 26 August
Fridays 06, 13, 20 and 27 August
Summer terraces… kézako? It is a cultural and commercial operation initiated in 2020 by the City of La Souterraine, in partnership with the Centre Culturel Yves Furet, in order to offer the city’s cafe and restaurant owners as well as the region’s musicians a little post-confinement “boost”, while offering residents and holidaymakers aprogram of entertainment adapted to the current health recommendations. The latter not allowing large gatherings, the choice had then fallen on the organization of small concerts on the “terraces” of La Souterraine.
Following the unanimous enthusiasm generated by the 1st edition of the summer terraces, the City of La Souterraine has decided to renew the operation in 2021. The Communauté de Communes du Pays Sostranien is joining the organization to extend the concept to the rest of the territory. The program, developed by the team of the Yves Furet Cultural Center, will be available in June.

Schedules : In the evening | Rates : Free admission | Reservation advised at cafe and restaurant owners
Pôle Animation
City of La Souterraine
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