5, 6, 7 AND 8 AUGUST 2022
A story that begins in 55 BC and ends in 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. A story where the stones bear witness to five centuries of cohabitation between Gauls and Romans and mark out a path from Bridiers ( Brede) to Alesia, from Limoges to Bordeaux, from Rome to Bethlehem. n fiction inspired by real facts and events whose original scenario stages a great saga where characters and destinies intertwine, between fights and games of the creek, pagan festivals and family alliances against the backdrop of upheavals in a world undergoing profound change, a story in History that seals “The Honor of Brede”…
The Historical Fresco of Bridiers is a human adventure…which brings together and federates more than 500 actors and volunteers of all ages, all origins, well beyond the territory of La Souterraine for a living show mixing History and emotions, which has become in a decade the unmissable annual event that also celebrates family, friendship, the taste of others and the gift of self.
Under the aegis of the Association of Heritage Development of Bridiers. With this year the voice of Thomas Chabrol.

Schedules : From 22h
Prices Show : 24€/adult – 12€/child (-12 years old)
20€/pers (groups 10 pers.)
Prices Show+meal: 38€/adult 28€/child (-12 years old)
Bridiers Historical Fresco
Mel: fresque@bridiers.fr
Online ticketing: fresco.bridiers.fr