Yann Marguet: exister, définition

Comedy, Cultural, Performance in La Souterraine
  • What is the meaning of life? What the hell are we doing here? We know: we're not much. You only have to look at the sky to remember. First there's nothing, then clouds, then satellites, then big balls floating in space spinning on themselves, then infinity? INFINI. And here we are. Talking. We laugh. We get married. We're getting divorced. We get upset because that p**** bus is late again. We hurt a tooth. We take bachata lessons. We exist. We are each our own center of the Universe.
    What is the meaning of life? What the hell are we doing here? We know: we're not much. You only have to look at the sky to remember. First there's nothing, then clouds, then satellites, then big balls floating in space spinning on themselves, then infinity? INFINI. And here we are. Talking. We laugh. We get married. We're getting divorced. We get upset because that p**** bus is late again. We hurt a tooth. We take bachata lessons. We exist. We are each our own center of the Universe.
    Yann Marguet takes us on a tour of life, with his trademark tone of absurdity hiding the depths of things, of moving pathos, of the little flaws we keep to ourselves so as not to seem too human.
  • On February 8, 2025 at 8:30 PM