Vallée du Tranloup
Other type of nature site
in Blessac
The Tranloup valley is classified as a Type I ZNIEFF (Zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique), with a total surface area of 345 hectares. This natural site straddles the administrative boundaries of four communes: Blessac (206.9 hectares), Alleyrat, Ars and Saint-Médard-La-Rochette.
The general landscape ambiance is that of a forest environment, with spruce as the dominant species, and a few broadleaved trees scattered throughout. Common beech (Fagus sylvatca) and...The Tranloup valley is classified as a Type I ZNIEFF (Zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique), with a total surface area of 345 hectares. This natural site straddles the administrative boundaries of four communes: Blessac (206.9 hectares), Alleyrat, Ars and Saint-Médard-La-Rochette.
The general landscape ambiance is that of a forest environment, with spruce as the dominant species, and a few broadleaved trees scattered throughout. Common beech (Fagus sylvatca) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) are the most common hardwood species. Coniferous trees include spruce (Picea abies) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). The Tranloup riparian zone features hydrophilic species such as alder (Alnus glutnosa) and willow (Salix caprea).
Located to the north-west of Aubusson, the Tranloup valley is crossed by the Tranloup stream
- All year 2025