Sentier découverte d'Anzême
Other type of nature site
in Anzême
Starting from the village of Anzême, a 1.3 km educational trail guides you through the evolution of the landscape between the Creuse Valley and the Siauve stream.
Observe, manipulate, compare, imagine... several educational stations allow the whole family to learn while having fun.
Along the way, you'll find 8 educational aids, suitable for young and old alike.
And don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open, as there are always surprises along the way. This trail is accessible with...Starting from the village of Anzême, a 1.3 km educational trail guides you through the evolution of the landscape between the Creuse Valley and the Siauve stream.
Observe, manipulate, compare, imagine... several educational stations allow the whole family to learn while having fun.
Along the way, you'll find 8 educational aids, suitable for young and old alike.
And don't forget to keep your eyes and ears open, as there are always surprises along the way. This trail is accessible with suitable walking shoes.