SERMUR-Monument aux morts-

Monument aux morts

Rural heritage, Historical event site, Historic site and monument in Sermur
  • War memorials are witnesses to history. Erected in tribute to those who died for France, they are an integral part of the landscape. Objects of remembrance, they began to multiply in the late 1920s. Indeed, in 1919, a tribute law voted to allocate subsidies to communes to ?glorify the heroes who died for the Fatherland? In Sermur, the war memorial stands near the church forecourt. Topped by a cast-iron sculpture of a poilu and built in granite, it is bordered by a barred iron gate. It...
    War memorials are witnesses to history. Erected in tribute to those who died for France, they are an integral part of the landscape. Objects of remembrance, they began to multiply in the late 1920s. Indeed, in 1919, a tribute law voted to allocate subsidies to communes to ?glorify the heroes who died for the Fatherland? In Sermur, the war memorial stands near the church forecourt. Topped by a cast-iron sculpture of a poilu and built in granite, it is bordered by a barred iron gate. It commemorates only the victims of the First World War, as the commune lost no soldiers in the Second.