Le moulin de Louzelergue_1

Le moulin de Louzelergue

Rural heritage, Mill in Clairavaux
  • Dating from the late 18th or early 19th century, this mill was recently restored by the commune of Clairavaux in partnership with the Conseil général de la Creuse, the PNR de Millevaches, the Fondation du Patrimoine and technical assistance from the association Bâti et Savoir-faire en Limousin.
    The mill has a "Cruck" frame, an ancient and increasingly rare technique. Like most of the surrounding mills, it features a spoon mechanism, i.e. a horizontal spoon wheel driven by water. A constant...
    Dating from the late 18th or early 19th century, this mill was recently restored by the commune of Clairavaux in partnership with the Conseil général de la Creuse, the PNR de Millevaches, the Fondation du Patrimoine and technical assistance from the association Bâti et Savoir-faire en Limousin.
    The mill has a "Cruck" frame, an ancient and increasingly rare technique. Like most of the surrounding mills, it features a spoon mechanism, i.e. a horizontal spoon wheel driven by water. A constant flow of water was ensured year-round by an upstream reservoir. This spoon wheel in turn drove the grinding wheel.