
Chapelle Notre-Dame de Piété

Rural heritage, Chapel, Historic site and monument in Bosroger
  • The chapel is home to a curious 17th-century piéta made of boiled cardboard. This statue is actually composed of a core (wood?) covered with a thick layer of plaster and pieces of painted canvas. The whole is fixed on a wooden base, but the part that constitutes the Virgin is mobile in relation to the whole: the Virgin, crouching, supports the body of Christ. She is dressed in a blue mantle that extends into a veil and a pink dress. Christ?s right hand and feet rest on the Virgin?s mantle,...
    The chapel is home to a curious 17th-century piéta made of boiled cardboard. This statue is actually composed of a core (wood?) covered with a thick layer of plaster and pieces of painted canvas. The whole is fixed on a wooden base, but the part that constitutes the Virgin is mobile in relation to the whole: the Virgin, crouching, supports the body of Christ. She is dressed in a blue mantle that extends into a veil and a pink dress. Christ?s right hand and feet rest on the Virgin?s mantle, which extends broadly around her.
    This chapel also features another late 15th-century Virgin whose polychromy has largely disappeared, a modern-day Christ on the Cross, a third Virgin of Piety and a Virgin, both from the same period.