Centre Aquatique Aquasostranien
Swimming pool
in La Souterraine
Please refer to the updated timetable on the website
School periods:
Monday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00
Tuesday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00
Wednesday: 12:00-19:00
Thursday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 14:00-18:00
Sunday: 9:30-12:30
School vacations, see website.
Pools must be vacated 30 minutes before the end of the session.
A locker is allocated to each person. We do not lend tokens to close them, so please bring a token, a 1 euro coin or a season ticket with a...Please refer to the updated timetable on the website
School periods:
Monday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00
Tuesday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-20:00
Wednesday: 12:00-19:00
Thursday: 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 14:00-18:00
Sunday: 9:30-12:30
School vacations, see website.
Pools must be vacated 30 minutes before the end of the session.
A locker is allocated to each person. We do not lend tokens to close them, so please bring a token, a 1 euro coin or a season ticket with a hole in it.
Bathing caps are not compulsory.
Relaxation area, pentagliss and paddling pool.