Consult our brochures directly online and download them for free.

Mountains of GuéretDepartmental brochures
Creuse Restaurant Guide
The Creuse in the family
Gardens in Creuse
Inter-site Passport 2021
Sports Nature
outdoorNature Sports Map in Creuse
The Creuse by Bike
Topo-guide climbing
Topo-Guide Grande Traversée VTT de la Creuse – 1st Section
Our Destinations
Creuse Confluence
Marche and Combraille in Aquitaine
Dunois Country / Valley of the painters
Sostranian Country

You reside in Creuse, or have a second home in Creuse, and often welcome family, friends to whom you show our beautiful department, its natural sites, its tourist poles, the Carte Luciole is made for you! This card allows you to benefit from a free entrance to partner sites.
Ask for it, it’s free!
You can get it on the website or ask for it at Creuse Tourism – 12 avenue Pierre Leroux – 23000 GUERET
The department of Creuse has set up apassport Intersites in order to make you discover a maximum of sites atattractive prices!!
The principle: it is one passport per family, on the first page you will have a location to have stamped when you go to the first partner site. The first site visited is full price for the whole family, for all other sites visited on presentation of the passport already stamped it’s reduced rate for the whole family !
Please note, the passport cannot be combined with other promotional offers and only work for the partner sites of the operation.