Marcel Jouhandeau lived his childhood above the butcher shop that his father held, in the family apartment overlooking the rue de l’Ancienne Mairie, also called “rue des Pommes”, which he speaks about in particular in his book Chaminadour or even in the Youth of Theophile.
After a youth spent in Guéret, surrounded by his aunt and grandmother and placed under the teachings of Catholicism, he will consider entering the seminary. Then, following a reading, he becomes aware of his homosexuality. This duality between his faith and his sexuality led him to attempt suicide. Once this uneasiness is over, he will devote himself, on the advice of one of his friends, to the writing of tales, short stories and essays. Texts often inspired by his native town, which he nicknamed Chaminadour. His writings triggered a strong reaction from Guérétois who found themselves, despite the changes in names, in the satirical, mocking writings of the writer who depicts scenes of life of the inhabitants of Guéret in a caustic tone.
Jouhandeau’s work is not limited to the volume Chaminadour. In all his work, very prolific, we will still remember “The Youth of Theophile”, “The Pincengrain”, “Prudence Hautechaume”, “Of abjection”, “Memorial” (7 volumes), “Journaliers” (28 volumes), etc.

His birth house cannot be visited. On the other hand, his father acquired with his wife, a house at 10 rue Joseph Ducouret which it is possible to visit during the Meetings of Chaminadour or specific events.