The missions of the Departmental Archives of La Creuse:
- Advise
- Collect and classify
- Conserve
- Communicate
The Departmental Archives of La Creuse own and make available to the public a historical and administrative library as well as local periodicals.
Each year, the Departmental Archives design and present to the public exhibitions designed to showcase the written heritage in their care.

Covid-19 Information/Instructions:
Effective Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the reading room is reopenedTuesday-Thursday (8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) and Friday (8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.). The capacity is reduced to 12 readers.
- 20 documents per reader per day
- No photocopying or printing will be done
- Mandatory wearing of masks (not provided)
- Mandatory handwashing each time you enter the room: hydroalcoholic gel and water point freely available
- No materials will be made available to readers: bring your own pencil
Archives Départementales de la Creuse
30 rue Franklin Roosevelt – BP 164