A thousand-faceted, very hilly area, viscerally attached to the Leyrenne, very diverse and well preserved, where the tree is present everywhere.
On the border of two very different landscape entities, an area to the east, rugged, heavily wooded, dotted with granite rocks, once a land of stonecutters and rye, and an opening to the west to a softer relief, a land of bocage more conducive to agriculture, wheat production.

This is the discovery of its magnificent “honeycomb” spaces leading to a fascinating landscape reading. Following our guide, the Leyrenne, let’s go and discover:
– LE CROCQ and its deer breeding
– ERENAS and its unavoidable art cutlery which often escapes to some international fairs: Milan, New-York…
– CHATENET with its XIVth century sculpted cross
– AZAT, a little away from the Leyrenne, with its church perched on a rocky promontory and which houses two classified sculptures from the XIVth century and contemporary stained glass windows signed GUINOT