The Chaux Pond, a pond like no other..
L’étang de Chaux is one of the many ponds of Marche et Combraille,but its history makes it a place apart. This pond is managed by the association Marie Ch@ux les coeuRs since 2013, an association created in tribute to the owners Marie-Hélène and Roger.
The pond of lime is above all a family history and the willto develop the site, to make it one of the major sites of the territory. Pari successful for the owners,as today the site of the pond of Chaux attracts thousands of people in the summer thanks to the programming and the friendliness of volunteers! In 2022, it is no less than 5,000 people who came to the edge of the pond to enjoy the atmosphere of the pond of Chaux.
Every summer, the association programs themed family events (co-hosted with associations such as CPIE23), musical evenings (blind-tests and karaoke), outdoor movies, the famous vides-greniers and farmers’ markets semi-nocturnal! All this around its guinguette which offers drinks, snacks and the famous Creusois fondu!
In 2023, the association Marie Ch@ux les cœuRs will celebrate its 10th anniversary!”We can only salute the determination of the volunteers and wish them a happy anniversary. We can’t wait to discover the 2023 summer programming!