A bit of history…
While the origin of the ancient fortress of Crozant seems to date back to the 6th century with the building by the Visigoths of the first fortifications,the castle had its heyday during the medieval period when the powerful Lusignan family who built it in its final form tried to organize a principality in the west center of France.
Troubled by the Wars of Religion, the fortress saw its ruinous state accentuated by an earthquake in 1606. In 1640, Louis XIII sells the castle in the state. Then the changes of ownership follow one another until the acquisition of the site by the town of Crozant in 1994.
Convinced of the heritage, historical and artistic potential of the site and the need to continue the preservation and development of the remains, the communities concerned decide to pool their resources bycreating a mixed syndicate in 2009 with the main objective: to make a major heritage site a lever for local development by contributing in particular to a tourist dynamic of the entire Valley of the Painters.