Who said that our countryside was sad, with no surprises when they hide everywhere and especially, where they are not expected… In a village, a church, a castle …let yourself be amazed.
In a village, a church, a castle …let yourself be amazed..
Stroke the hard and severe granite carved by men for thousands of years. Let the colors of a church amaze you, look for the snail or the little hidden face, climb the steps of a tower with an exotic history.
Whether they came from the other end of the continent or where native of the heart of Creuse, they fought for a throne or against injustice. Their history remains forever anchored in our heritage.Our historic celebrities lack neither courage nor brilliance!
Our historic celebrities lack neither courage nor brilliance!

Our heritage is alive and well, it is the people who have kept it alive all this time!
The village of Moutier d’Ahun … the monks haven’t been there for a long time. Today artists, craftsmen and associations occupy the space between the bridge and the former Benedictine monastery. Shows, concerts and contemporary art exhibitions now punctuate time.
In this borough not as new as at the time of the hospital Knights of St Jean of Jerusalem, Bourganeuf, enjoy discovering the building and particularly the impressive big Zizim tower! With or without a guide, climb the 99 steps for an overall view of the town. Smell the good smells of the market which takes place on Wednesday mornings around the old commandery andeven … settle comfortably into an armchair of the Claude Miller cinema, set in the middle of these old buildings!
Here, artists paint on the walls of churches. At Sous-Parsat, the work of Gabriel Chabrat vibrates in the light of the stained-glass windows. And you, do you have an artistic soul? A block of stone, a punch, a mallet, set your imagination free in the village of Masgot, in the footsteps of our local horse factor: François Michaud.
He was an outstanding mason and stonemason. At this mention, we think of Martin Nadaud, the most famous of all the masons in Creuse. He invites you to his property, at Martinèche. He will tell you about his battles in person. Starting from nothing, he went through the 19th century, braving the poverty and harsh life of the working world. Eventually becoming a Member of Parliament, he never forgot his Creuse roots.
This history, specific to the Creuse, also extends to the Bosmoreau mine museum, the St DizierLeyrenne resistance museum or the Thouraud woods site.