le guide
Go down and take the 1st lane on the left. Take the stairs to the Chapelle de l’Arrier and go through the back of the building.
Cross the D941 and enter under the porch of Impasse Girardin. At the D51, turn left; walk past the Museum of Water and Light.
Above the car park, turn right. After the Funeral Home, go right. After 80m, take the tarmac path on the left. Walk down to the river. Just before the footbridge, turn left and walk along the stream. Take the stairs that overlook the waterfalls, then cross to the other side. Continue straight ahead, slightly to the right on the climb.
Once in the Bois des Bœufs, turn left into the undergrowth; walk along a Douglas-fir plantation. Go straight on to the old factory below the Morne bridge. Join the road, turn right, then after the second bend, take the path to the right and continue straight.At the crossroads of the forest tracks, take the track which goes up to the left. After 150 m, turn left. At the crossroads, turn right. In the hamlet of Petit Mazuras, turn right after the 1st farm, and cross several buildings. After the walnut tree, follow the markings along the meadow. Join the forest track and turn right.
Enter the forest of Faux-Mazuras and continue straight until the crossroads. Head slightly to the right. Pass the wooden barrier at the “Bourganeuf” sign. At the 1st crossroads, turn left and follow the signs. Continue straight on towards the 2nd wooden barrier. On the forest track, go right. Then all right. At the bottom of the descent, cross the wooden footbridge and continue straight. Turn left just before the funeral home. Walk along the meadow then turn left.
On the D51; go back to the city. Take a right and then go through the porch. Cross Place de l’Arrier, then continue straight. Turn right to end the walk.

“C’est un endroit que j’apprécie particulièrement pour aller marcher ou courir.
On suit la rivière sur plusieurs kilomètre, on la traverse sur des passerelles en bois, on découvre des cascades dissimulées ; et puis on arrive dans la forêt. Il y règne une ambiance feutrée, on se sent seul au monde, tout petit face à l’immensité.
Un sentiment de quiétude m’envahit à chaque passage ; tout y est identique, pourtant on perçoit les changements minimes du temps qui passe et des saisons.
A tester au lever du soleil au printemps, on se croirait au matin du monde.”