©qrf|bsavaryproTo do absolutelyRead more©Bouganeuf-vues générales-dépt.23|Joel DamaseFollow the guide: discovering BourganeufRead moreVillage Du Moutier D'ahun©m.raffard©Village Du Moutier D'ahun©m.raffardOur heritageRead more©Pays Sud Creusois - Poteries Dequeker - St Georges La Pouge - 28-05-2016-|Joel DamaseLand of know-howRead more©bsavaryproI tested for youRead more
©OT Aubusson-FelletinHiking with the familyI tested for you the Chandouille valley hikeHiking with children on the Millevaches plateauRead more©DP-CreuseconfluencetourismeCreuse ConfluenceLet’s enter the legend and follow in the footsteps of ZabethRead more©Service Tourisme Pays SostranienSostran bars and bistrosWe took a break at the Bar Du Marché!Read moreCreuse ConfluenceHike in the Lassoux WoodsRead more©OT Creuse Sud OuestThe soul of the ancestors...Trees… but remarkable!Read more©Pays Sud Creusois -Eglise de Sous-Parsat - Peintures Gabriel Chabrat - 28-05-2016-|JOEL DAMASEA guideI tested for you the VIP visitsRead more©Service Tourisme Pays SostranienThe Creuse à Vélo spirit !Read more©DP-CreuseconfluencetourismeCreuse ConfluenceAssaulting the YellowstoneRead more©vélorail de Bosmreau les Mines-dépt.23|Joel DamaseCreuse Sud OuestMy bike-rail experienceVélorail de la MineRead more©bsavaryproGetaway inEscapade at the Courbarien HouseCreuseRead morein Creuse ConfluenceMy 1st hiking trail in Creuse ConfluenceRead more©bsavaryproSouth West CreuseWhat if we tested the moonwalks together?Read more