
Secure public wifi for my clients

An indispensable service

Wifi or not Wifi?

for tourists in stay

Let’s face it, on vacation tourists stay connected. Among the objects not to forget in the suitcase, we find first the toothbrush (for 62% of French people) then comes in second place the smartphone (43%)!

Even if our visitors come to Creuse for its green pastures, its wide open spaces preserved and its tranquility, more than 50% believe that free WiFi at their vacation spot is essential: book a restaurant, activities from their smartphone or tablet, share their experiences and photos live on social networks, leave a review…

You’ll have understood, offering free WiFi to your customers is a selling point for your structure.

Free Wifi

What are the rules

to respect?

As soon as you offer one or more wireless internet access points in your establishment, you are considered an internet service provider. As an ISP, the Hadopi law makes you responsible for any actions taken from your connection.

Therefore, you are under the obligation to secure your internet network to prevent any illicit activity.

Your obligations:

  • Implement a technical means to authenticate your users
  • prohibit illegal downloads
  • Record all traffic made on the Internet by users connecting from your hot spots and keep this data for one year

Different service providers offer a subscription depending on your activity.

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