Our consultantsListening to you

A privileged contact for your projects

On the territories of the department a professional welcomes you, orients you, facilitates your installation path. To succeed in your project and your integration we offer a tailored support to build your project.

From the first contact, we follow you in your journey, from the idea to the installation of your professional project and life project. We direct you to the right contacts in the territory. (Promote connections between actors, facilitate synergies, boost networks)

When you move alone, with your spouse or with your whole family, you have lots of questions!”

The Creusois reception network accompanies you in your installation process!

  • We provide you with practical information related toeveryday life on the territory (service offer, educational offer, sports, associations, cultural life of the territory…).
  • We are a local relay in your search for housing upstream, or when you arrive on the territory.
  • We verify, with you, the adequacy between your aspirations in terms of life project (desired living environment, envisaged lifestyle…), and the offer of the territory.
  • We refer you to the competent interlocutors to accompany you on your professional project and that of your spouse (salaried employment, creation-takeover of a business…).
  • We put you in touch withlocal elected officials and inhabitants of your new commune of installation to facilitate the success of your project but also your integration locally.

Your contacts

Amandine Bonnaud

Reception-attractiveness officer

Communauté de communes Creuse Grand Sud
34 B rue Jules Sandeau/23200 Aubusson
Le bourg/ 23 340 Gentioux

Direct line : 07 86 01 02 31

Simon Liraud

Chargé de mission accueil-attractivité

Communauté de communes Creuse Sud Ouest
Site d’Ahun : 16, place Jacques Lagrange 23150 Ahun
Siège : Route de La Souterraine 23400 Saint-Dizier-Masbaraud

Direct line : /

Baptiste Ridoux

Attractiveness Officer

Territory of Guéret
Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand Guéret – 9 avenue Charles de Gaulle – BP302 – 23 006 Guéret Cedex

Tel. 05 55 41 04 48


Nathalie Robin-Lamotte


Communauté de communes Portes de la Creuse en Marche
– 1 rue des Violettes – 23 350 Genouillac


Jérémy Fasquelle

Chargé de Mission Accueil et Marketing territorial

Direction de l’Animation Territoriale
Pôle Stratégies Territoriales
14, Avenue Pierre LEROUX 23000 GUERET

Tel: JFASQUELLE@creuse.fr
07 64 51 50 94

Capture D'écran 2020 06 18 À 14.56.45
