L’étang de la Naute, a place where life is good
First it’s the countryside, the forests and the ponds. Then the riverfront paths, the charming villages to be discovered at random while walking, and the treasures to be unearthed in the brocantes. Finally, nature, to which we have left its place, and brings us comfort and health. Welcome to Sud Creusois!
Bicycle ride, nap under a tree, take time to live… and bond with this land. Beware, you may succumb to its charm, you are warned, few people resist it!”
The members of the association Naut’Active welcome you from spring to autumn, and prepare for you, each season, a animation with small onions!
For your days, it offers children, teenagers and adults various activities and original to live fully its vacations ( circus, dance, musical awakening, theatrical improvisation workshops and courses,…).